
  1. September 2023, ActionAid Kenya Baseline Survey for the AAIK Climate Change and Resilience as a means to address GBV Project in Taita Taveta and Garissa Counties. The Baseline survey used both qualitative and quantitative approaches to data collection analysis and reporting.
  2. April 2023, WACI Health-State of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Implementation in the Ten Love Alliance Countries-Kenya, South Africa, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Mozambique, Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The survey involved qualitative data collection with government representatives and CSOs. The findings generated learnings about successes and challenges to UHC implementation in these countries. Advocacy draft documents were drafted for the Head of States UN High Level Meeting, September 2030.
  3. October 2022, the Kenya Red Cross Society Baseline Survey for the Gender Based Violence (GBV) prevention and awareness raising project in Kilifi, Bungoma and Samburu. The project involved school going children, women of reproductive age, adult men and special groups including PLWDs as the key respondents for both qualitative and quantitative interviews. Data analysis was cohort and gender aligned taking care of special groups including PWDs. 
  4. July 2022 the HIAS Kenya project End line evaluation project that aimed to Increase Protection for vulnerable refugees, including LGBTQI+, and host community in Nairobi. The evaluation project deployed both participatory gender sensitive qualitative and quantitative data collection methodologies. The evaluation project also assessed the impact of Covid 19 on project implementation. Data analysis incorporated diversity and results were presented in publishable formats among other formats recommended.  
  5. July 2021 the MGT Final Evaluation Survey in Kilifi & Kwale Kenya. The survey sought to evaluate the MGT project that used football to bring girls together for the purposes of enlightening them on SRHR and negative impacts of GBV and early marriages. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches to data collection and analysis were used.
  6. April, 2021 the Baseline Innovation for Inclusion project for Plan International Kenya conducted in Nairobi Slums Kenya and involved qualitative and quantitative data collection approaches. The project aimed at identifying employment opportunities in the private sector for women who are physically and visually disabled.
  7. March, 2021 ISF Manga Heart and CECOME project Final Evaluation. The project is in Kisii and Nyamira counties Kenya-mitigating & creating awareness on GBV and FGM and targets school going children, youth out of school and community members. The survey adopted both qualitative and quantitative approaches to data collection, analysis and reporting.
  8. Sept. 2021 the ICL-Africa End line evaluation of the Jielimishe Girls Education Challenge project funded by DFID and implemented in Meru. Laikipia and Mombasa. The project focused on improving the life chances of 10,123 marginalized girls (2,390 in primary school; aged 12 – 16 years and 7,730 in secondary school; aged 14 – 22 years2) using a holistic approach to complete a cycle of education, transition to the next level including alternative pathways and demonstrate learning. The project sought to empower the girl, her school and teachers as well as her family across 20 primary schools and 39 secondary schools. The evaluation therefore used both qualitative and quantitative approaches to data collection, analysis and reporting. Participatory child friendly tools were used to gather qualitative data interactively and this generated case study and success stories reporting.
  9. Jan, 2021 The RTI Labour Market Assessment project for the Youth in Tertiary Colleges in Kenya. The project sought to identify job opportunities for RTI supported youth in tertiary colleges in Kenya. Qualitative and quantitative data collection approaches were used in gathering data from the youth, college heads and prospective employers among other stakeholders to understand the existing employment opportunities, gaps in employability skills among the trained youth and gaps in the training curriculums for responsive employment trainings.
  10. Evaluation of health, WASH, security and governance in Fragile States (2016) – qualitative research activity conducted in DRC and Somaliland (commissioned by Independent Commission on Aid Impact (ICAI) through UKAid/DFID funding)
  11. Evaluation of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) Project in Kenya (2015-2016) – quantitative and qualitative research conducted in 7 counties in Western Kenya. (commissioned by Ipas Africa Alliance, funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
  12. Baseline Survey Urban Resilience Kenya Red Cross Society Project conducted in Nairobi Slums Kenya that involved qualitative and quantitative data collection approaches. The project aimed at building capacity of households to improve disaster risk preparedness (2018)
  13. Kajiado County-based Water Governance Baseline Survey Project-Kenya for Kenya Water for Health Organization (2016)-The survey adopted both qualitative and quantitative survey approaches to data collection engaging a total of 630 respondents for structured interviews and 30 respondents for KIIs and FGDs
  14. Long term household water treatment solutions in Somaliland (2016) – a mixed methods research activity conducted in Somaliland (commissioned by Population Services International (PSI))
  15. The Gates Segmentation Study for Mobile Money Banking Needs Analysis in Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Mayanmar and Tanzania among households and business premises -DFID funded. This study was a cross-sectional survey that adopted both quantitative and qualitative approaches to data collection, analysis and reporting from both primary and secondary data sources. A total of 1200 respondents were involved in structured interviews. The study adopted systematic random sampling of households in the mentioned countries
  16. RTI-Re-Invented Toilets Needs Analysis Survey among households of Nigeria and Kenya-funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. RTI Sanitation: A project that assessed available market for a new toilet product and current challenges in relation to toiletry. This study was a cross-sectional survey that adopted both quantitative and qualitative approaches to data collection, analysis and reporting from both primary and secondary data sources. A total of 224 stakeholders were involved in in depth interviews and key informant interviews in the informal settlements of both Kenya (Mukuru, Mathare, Kibera and Huruma-Nairobi, Nyalenda & Obunga-Kisumu, Kisauni, Majengo and Tononoka-Mombasa) and Nigeria- (Shanties in Lagos, Lekki & Ogun).  The qualitative findings informed structured questionnaires and a total of 600 respondents were engaged in the quantitative survey.
  17. Cross-border Health Integrated Partnership Project (CB-HIPP) (2016) – A qualitative and quantitative study conducted in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. (commissioned by Abt Associates, funded by FHI360)
  18. Barriers to internet adoption II study (2015-2016) – quantitative and CATI research study conducted in Nigeria (commissioned by RTI International)-households and business premises
  19. Segmentation of women and girls based on their need for sexual and reproductive health services (2014-2015) – qualitative and quantitative research conducted in 7 countries: Kenya, Ethiopia, DRC, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, India and Myanmar (commissioned by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)
  20. Barriers to internet and technology adoption study (2014-2015) – quantitative data collection conducted in 5 countries: Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Nigeria and Rwanda (commissioned by RTI International)
  21. Enterprise survey in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania (2014-2016) – a longitudinal study conducted in three East African countries: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania (commissioned by The World Bank)

Other related experience

  1. Extensive experience in participatory community development projects.
  2. Founded the TICH Entrepreneurship program that focuses on capacity building and empowering young entrepreneurs to identify business needs within their passion, analyze market needs and demands for the business, set up, manage and scale up the business.
  3. Trained over 200 participants on the TICH Entrepreneurship Training Skills, together with the trained developed a follow up monitoring system of the starter businesses they were to engage in, implemented and reported on success stories and lessons learnt.
  4. Conducted a number of qualitative evaluation surveys and reporting that included policy aligning and empowerment tools curriculum development. For instance, the Youth Empowerment Training Curriculum for TICH Organization.
  5. Developed the Kenya School Menstrual Hygiene Policy Aligning Report for the Ministry of Education (MoE) in partnership with Ministry of Health (MoH) and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) stakeholders.
  6. Developed a 5-year strategic plan (2015-2020) for Kenya Water for Health Organization and also engaged in writing the final report for the World Food Program-Kenya Evaluation Survey